
This document is intended for use by developers starting their journey with Vetspire and looking to get set up.

GCP Access

To confirm your GCP access, you should be able to go to the GCP console and log in with the Vetspire account. You should then be able to see a list of projects like so:

Then the diagrams here will show you what infrastructure is in which project.

To interact with GCP from the command line, you will need to install the GCP SDK (gcloud). This can be done following the instructions here.

Once installed, follow the setup guide and run gcloud init to setup the authentication with your Vetspire user.

To check you are logged in to your Vetspire user, run gcloud auth list and ensure there is a tick next to your Vetspire email address.

Kubernetes Access

In order to connect to the Kubernetes clusters to debug or access the pods where our applications run, you must first install kubectl and a plugin which is required for authentication to the clusters. The instructions for this are here.

Once this is done, you can run the following command for each of the clusters you will need to access:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER_NAME> --project <GCP PROJECT>

This generates a kubeconfig for each of the clusters which allows you to switch between the contexts/clusters that are available easily.

kubectx and kubens

These CLI tools allow for speedier and easier management of switching between Kubernetes cluster configs and namespaces. They can be installed by following the instructions here.

kubectx can be used to switch between cluster configs. kubens can be used to define the namespace on said context so that you donโ€™t need to specify the namespace every time you run a command when the namespace is not just default.

Last updated