
Tech Stack

We use the following technologies on the Frontend:

  • React

  • React Hooks

  • Apollo

  • GraphQL

  • TypeScript

  • Sentry

  • Day.js

Below summarises the MUST(s) & SHOULD(s) regarding these technologies


  • We MUST write all new code with hooks and not HOCs.

  • We SHOULD look to remove instances of HOCs when editing files containing them and replace them with hooks.

Correct โœ…

import { useLocationId } from "utils/hooks"
const locationId = useLocationId()


    {(locationId) => (


  • We MUST put all new queries into operations.graphl then run yarn gql and then use the generated query, mutation or relevant hook from generated/graphql.

  • We SHOULD try to move existing queries into operations.graphql and then follow the above process, when possible.


  • We MUST write all new code in TypeScript.

  • We MUST not use any as a type.

  • We MUST write types for all props & state in a component.

  • We SHOULD try to convert JavaScript files into TypeScript files when writing new code.


MomentJS is no longer being maintained (see here). We have begun a process of migrating over to Day.js.

  • We MUST not use moment.js in any new code.

  • We MUST use day.js for any new date/time code.

  • We SHOULD remove instances of moment.js and replace with day.js

Last updated